Course Content
Course Introduction
This module will introduce you to the personal branding master class.
Personal Branding for Introverts
About Lesson

A personal brand is much more than a flashy logo or a color palette. A personal brand goes far beyond having a nice-looking business card. A personal brand is not just about having a website with your name on it, although that’s certainly part of it. 

A personal brand is much bigger and all-encompassing.

Your personal brand is how you present yourself, both online and offline, to your ideal audience. 

Your personal brand centers around you as an individual. 

Your personal brand includes your:

  • Values
  • Unique skills
  • Experiences
  • Stories
  • Personality
  • Image

You may be tempted to think that only big companies are brands, but that’s not true. Thanks to the internet and the power of social media, every person can be their own brand. Everyone can communicate their message loud and clear. Everyone can add value.

We all have the tools to build powerful personal brands. 

But are you actively taking control of your brand

You’re going to have a personal brand whether you want to or not.

As Influencer Marketing Hub puts it:

“You can either ignore your personal brand and let it develop organically, possibly chaotically, beyond your control, or you can help massage your personal brand to depict you as the person you want to be.” 

Everything you share online, every email you send to your audience, every blog post you write, every live event you host – they all are part of your brand. They all shape the way people think about you. 

The question is whether you want your brand to develop on its own or whether you want to be actively in control of the process. 

It’s always better when you’re in control of the process.

Next, we will review some great personal brands.

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